Acadian Culture in Maine – A Musical History with Robert Sylvain

Many young people don’t realize that once upon a time, most of Maine was known as Acadia. Arriving in 1604, the Acadians were the first colonists of Maine, the “French Neutrals” whose deportation from Nova Scotia was chronicled in Longfellow’s epic poem, Evangeline. Acadian culture is distinct and alive in American society today, and can be witnessed in the unique music, cuisine, language, customs and attitudes of today’s Acadian-Mainers, as well as in the remarkable culture of the the Acadians of Louisiana, known as the Cajuns.
Tailored in length and scope for classroom settings or larger assemblies of elementary to high school audiences, Robert uses song and story to teach Acadian Culture in Maine, a musical history, conveying the Joie de Vivre of Acadian culture while reinforcing important lessons in geography and American history, along with a discussion of music and culture and a little Acadian French language lesson. By allowing students to play traditional instruments, dance and sing along, Robert delivers an interactive educational experience for all ages that is engaging and unforgettable

Workshops for post-secondary and continuing education

Robert is available for master classes, workshops, guest lectures and artist residencies, with experience working with educators and students at all levels of study. Well suited for ethnomusicology, folk music and oral history programs, Robert brings real world experience in archival research along with formidable musical skills and knowledge in multiple genres.
“Rob Sylvain first came to speak and play in my Maine Ethnography course at Colby College in Spring 2014. His engaged, personal, and knowledgeable presentation on the Acadian music tradition was inspiring and helped us to think about this music—both past and present—in new ways. I was so impressed with Rob’s presentation that I have invited him for every subsequent class I have taught dealing with Franco American music… Whether for an introductory course or a senior seminar, Rob is able to pitch the material just right to create an intellectually and musically stimulating presentation.”
Natalie Zelensky Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Music at Colby College
“In teachers’ terms it meets some of the Maine standards, it really does. There are a lot of pieces there that are in the Maine Learning Results.”
Mrs. White
5th grade teacher, Buxton Elementary School
“Thank you for sharing your craft and knowledge with our community. We have never had someone share something like this before. It was clear by the smiles on the kids’ faces and the audience participation that our community loved having you!”
Waterman’s Community Center, North Haven, Maine
“I really can’t thank you enough. Every teacher is absolutely raving about your visit. You are amazing! Thank you for being so tuned in to what our kids needed and also for being flexible in your class plans and so much FUN!!”
Fletcher Boote
Juniper Hill School, Alna, Maine
“Your program worked really well for me last year because we were also reading a short TCI book about the Grand Derangement at the same time. The students loved the hands on experience with making music the way their ancestors might have, they loved hearing your first hand accounts and songs. Thank you for tying the arts into my curriculum and breathing more life into our work. ”
Christine Marcous
French Teacher Leavitt Area High School, Turner, Maine
“It was truly a pleasure to work with you at the Merrill Auditorium for the Maine Bicentennial celebration. Your music and stories were extremely important to impart to our audience, who all sent so many praises to us about you…”
Atiim Boykin Chenzira
Co-Director of Engagement, Portland Ovations Offstage
“It was very meaningful for all of us to have you in Fort Kent… your programming in the schools (at a time when we’re trying to connect the younger generation with the culture) will no doubt reverberate in the community”
Patrick LaCroix
Acadian Archives at University of Maine Fort Kent
“I would like to express my gratitude for such a lovely and lively workshop & concert at the Long Island School! We were so grateful to be there. My student Fiona’s passion is music and she told me she felt, “happy and inspired,” the most meaningful outcome and music to all of our ears! We didn’t know anything about Acadian music so it was absolutely fascinating to learn about the history and culture. It is so important that you keep this legacy alive and we are so grateful you shared it with us.” We are interested to learn and listen more. I could have listened to you play & sing for hours! Your soulful song left me, the lucky listener, mesmerized and connected.”
Jenny Baum
Cliff Island School